Beaded Tree

Monday, December 20, 2010

I went to a bead class yesterday to learn to make a beaded Christmas tree. As you can tell I haven't finished yet. Aside from wishing I'd started with smaller beads at the top I'm pretty happy with the way it's turning out. I don't know why I put such large beads at the top. I think I was just getting caught up in the colors! 

The second picture shows two of the trees the instructor made. Admittedly they look somewhat better! But I'll keep practicing and pretty soon mine will improve. I have to practice making wire curls - it's kind of difficult and painful on your fingers! I'm going to finish this tree and Thursday when my daughter comes to visit I'll show her how to make one and I'll do a second one for me. I think I want to do a blue and silver tree next but I'm going to use just small beads for it! 


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

This is a cool technique. I can see why you didn't get it done in class. Very tiny work. I never get projects done in class, but my classes have mostly been sewing.
Merry Christmas

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